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0 Votes 1 Ans
Hi, my website looks totally different from the builder. The alignment and padding are off. am I doing something wrong?
Solved4.25K viewsSelected answer as best Bugs & Errorsalignment
0 Votes 2 Ans
How do I change my theme or restart from scratch like a fresh install? Edit: Okay also I have a new problem
0 Votes 1 Ans
Changing background image opacity should only affect the background image and nothing else. Right now, if you change the bg image opacity it affects the whole column content.
0 Votes 4 Ans
Some pages just never seem to load when I try to edit them.
0 Votes 2 Ans
Hi! Is it possible to create link on image?
0 Votes 6 Ans
Hi there, Just downloaded. Impressed so far. However! My hosting isn't strong enough to download the demo content. Is there a way to download externally and import through FTP or through the web browser? Thanks...
10.93K viewsPosted new comment How-to'sdemo
0 Votes 3 Ans
Hi, what am I doing wrong? I have clean latest version WP install, only Kepler plugin and theme and my demo import was unsuccessful. And if I choose "Start with blank" and when I want...
2 Votes 1 Ans
Awesome product, Malith. One question though: Can I design a post template and have it applied to all my posts, such that any new post created takes that post template designed? I'd like to know...
0 Votes 1 Ans
Is there a support for negative values in fields, it seems that these fields are limited to only numbers.
Solved4.01K viewsSelected answer as best How-to'sFeature Margin Negative Padding
0 Votes 1 Ans
Instead of Opening Kepler, the button in the Kepler page is now How to open Kepler Builder and it just loads a blank knowledge base page
Solved4.05K viewsSelected answer as best How-to'sKepler
2 Votes 1 Ans
Im having issues with adding the required php requirements to htaccess file due to our requirements from our Cache handling software, would there be any other solutions to being able to add demo contents?
Solved4.45K viewsSelected answer as best How-to'shtaccess php.ini wordpress
1 Votes 1 Ans
I want to create a card element that has multiple elements inside, how can I add a div or wrap the elements into a div?
Solved4.17K viewsSelected answer as best How-to'sdiv group
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