Bugs & Errors 12 Questions

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0 Votes 0 Ans
I cannot edit footer after editing header or any other file. Sent an email to support team and they have stopped responding. this is very bad experience. I was going to buy this for at...
0 Votes 1 Ans
Hi there, I wanted to go back and edit my last question with an update saying I found out the issue which was causing the page problems, and how to fix it. the page had...
0 Votes 0 Ans
Here is my normal home page editor here is my contact page editor:
0 Votes 0 Ans
We have some exciting news for everyone in the Kepler community. Our team is just days away from advertising a new version of Kepler. It’s been some busy days for our team. We managed to...
2.30K viewsChanged status to publish by: Bugs & Errorsbugs update
0 Votes 1 Ans
The Community and Video tutorials links in the corner go to zendesk.com and not to any specific community or site. The Kepler builder can't edit/open my Blog page, which is running the default layout that...
4.98K viewsAnswered by: Bugs & Errorsbug
0 Votes 2 Ans
Kepler is absolutely useless at this stage for real development. If I want to make simple modifications to the limited handful of supplied themes, sure, that's fine. If I want to make a custom layout,...
0 Votes 1 Ans
If you add a sub-page to a menu item, drop-down menu does not appear correctly in skimtonlaw theme.
0 Votes 1 Ans
Hi, is Kepler fully compatible with Wordpress 5.4.2?
0 Votes 1 Ans
Hi, my website looks totally different from the builder. The alignment and padding are off. am I doing something wrong?
Solved4.24K viewsSelected answer as best Bugs & Errorsalignment
0 Votes 1 Ans
Changing background image opacity should only affect the background image and nothing else. Right now, if you change the bg image opacity it affects the whole column content.
0 Votes 3 Ans
Hi, what am I doing wrong? I have clean latest version WP install, only Kepler plugin and theme and my demo import was unsuccessful. And if I choose "Start with blank" and when I want...
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