Containers and Sections

The Canvas follows a Responsive Grid that actively arranges all of the elements dragged onto the Canvas in a way that they display correctly under different Viewport widths and heights.

  • Any element dragged on to the canvas will sit inside an auto-generated Column.
  • Columns lie within Rows, Rows within ContainersContainers within Sections, and finally, Sections lie within the single Page Body. This hierarchy is illustrated below:

Page Body → Section → Container → Row → Column → Element

  • Columns create gutters (gaps between Column content).
  • Columns are stacked for mobile-device views.


  • You can control your content width from one Section of your Page to another using the Container that sits within each of those Sections.
  • You can choose to expand a Container to the borders of Section by changing the Padding within the Section so that the Container expands to fill the additional space within the Section.
  • You could also add custom backgrounds to Containers to make them distinguishable from the wider Section background. 


  • Sections break the contents of your page into distinct blocks and generally occupy the full width of the Page Body.
  • You can use Sections to create a sequence of different content groups on your Page.
  • New Sections can also be inserted through the Block Explorer.
  • Sections can also be moved up and down the sequence on the Page using Cut and Paste actions.
  • Sections generally expand all the way to the Page Body width. 
  • You, however, change the Section width to be narrower than the Body width to create an additional gutter for your content.
  • This gutter will be over and above the default gutter that sits between the Container border and the Section border.

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